MUN 2013- 2014

This year I joined the MUN club after 2 years of absence. I rejoined it as I no longer wanted the excuse of “ too much work” to dictate me engaging in things that I’m passionate about.  The MUN club works on understanding the situations and issue that are prevalent in society. The Global Issues of “ privacy right, Sovereign right and human rights are the most commonly discussed issues in the MUN club. The discussions that take place at MUN allow me to see multiple perspectives of people and what it means to be in certain situations. I better understand how “ I” can impact society and change it through these discussions. When analyzing solutions to the issues I was personally shocked to understand how simple words and attitudes can change society completely.  The right to express ourselves stops the moment we infringe on someone else’s privacy. It is this thought that affected me this week, as I truly believe we have the power to change what’s happening in our society.

“Working together collaboratively” helps develop the solutions to the problems we face in society. For instance we came up with different ways to help Syria’s war situation. As we had so many people contributing we were able to come up with strong ideas of change as opposed to coming up with individual ideas. I personally enjoyed working with the other members as they saw things different to what I see. It’s this diversity, which made me rethink and evaluate what’s happening around me. The most important factor in discussing global issues is truly understanding the ethical implications of our actions. When coming up with solutions or analyzing the solutions carried out by other countries we constantly scrutinized every aspect to see if its ethical or if its virtuous.

WEEK 1-3 of MUN club was concluded.  Wait for next weeks update and improvements!

Photo on 10-1-13 at 12.08 PM #2
Discussions at MUN
Photo on 10-1-13 at 12.07 PM #3
Coming up with solutions together.