Hope for KIDS semester 2!

AS I mentioned earlier in my goals for the year, my main priority this year was to spread the word of the “ Hope for Kids” Service beyond our school. We struck luck this semester as we all managed to “ collaboratively” get sponsors for the cancer hospital. MAS holdings which is an extremely famous marketing firm was interested in out efforts to make the lives, albeit how short of these children the best it can be. It was “ a difficult challenge” to overcome, getting bigger companies and schools to visit the hospital with us and see how hard it is for these children and parents. After a visit they realized the magnitude of this illness and its consequences on the child and family.  “ The ethical implications” and “ global awareness” aspects are the main two that I as a leader of the group want to spread. We all see these children and think, “ it cant happen to us” however I feel its my duty to show how widespread this illness has become. It’s spread because of bad nutrition, UV rays and others and most of the children I speak to always wish someone told them about” cancer” so they wouldn’t feel so lost now. I was touched by this statement and I realized this is what I need to “ improve on (skills) spreading the news and consequences” to a wider range of people. By doing this not only have I accomplished (collaboratively) with my service spreading the message of cancer, but also gained a lot of help for the kids at the cancer ward. This is a good second semester start and I cant wait to keep helping!!

Here are some links, to articles that can really sum up what it is to be a patent of cancer. I hope we can understand how necessary it is to keep helping kids suffering from cancer and remind them that they are never alone.




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